Monday, 31 December 2012

A visit to APNA GHAR!

As December was chosen to charity by our school,a trip to Apna Ghar was arranged for the senior students and the whole school participated in contributing winter clothes for the kids of Apna Ghar.

As hoped, the experience was truly rewarding for the students. Even though the students could only spare an hour with the orphan kids, they felt that they were able to make a small difference to their lives. 

All the kids they saw  made it an unforgettable experience for them. I wish let God give us strength to keep up the good work. The students thanked  again and again for the opportunity to spend time at the orphanage.

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Drawing Competition!!!

Date: - 29/12/12(Saturday)
                              An art work is so supreme that we all react emotionally to it. Being a good artist is a natural talent, supported by a lot of hard work. Thus,  we organised a drawing competition (Class –wise) to make an attempt to create interest in students in creative so that they can develop their brains in aesthetic values as well.


Monday, 24 December 2012

X-Mas Tree Decoration Competition!

                              X-mas Tree decoration compertition was held for XI A and B.The students were on hype from the morning and they were using all their talents to put up the best tree for the show and made extraordinary efforts to win.Both the teams had showcased their trees in a grand manner.We had to choose one and the best one and the deserving one touched the winning pole!!! XI B students were the winners!!

Sunday, 23 December 2012


                                      The spirit of Christmas is the spire of giving and thinking about others. It’s a time for the celebration of life. With this sharing and celebrating note we celebrated Christmas on 22 – December -12. 

The programmed commenced with an enlightening speech given by PORSHIYA of Class – IX, Conveying the real message of Christmas. There after the celebration proceeded by a melodious carol sung by our choir. Then a short and sweet skit was performed by the students, letting us know exactly, ‘The best gifts’ that each should share with the other, the gift of LOVE,ETERNAL LIFE, FORGIVENESS etc. After that we had a charming dance performance by our young buddies.

The students tapped their feet to an English song with great spirit.
                                                         How can a Christmas be complete without a ‘Santa’ yes there was a surprise entry of Santa along with our tiny Santa who cheered the audience too.                        

 The programme ended with a speech given by Principal Ma’am.As usual she came up with an inspiring story which gave the message of helping each other will lead to happines.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Candle Decoration Competition!!

Date: 15/12/12

                        Well it is December and Christmas is almost here, thus with the beginning of this merry month we organized a Candle Decoration Competition. The four houses enthusiastically participated in it. Each house was given a candle to decorate. The students displayed the new dying spirit of Christmas, as each house decorated the corner beautifully with the Christmas theme.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012


                        Every parent wants to launch their children into the world with the skills they need to succeed. Equipping children with good table manners is an important lesson that the school  want to give to the children. Having good table manners gives kids the confidence to participate in any dining situation with ease.
                                    Table manners play an important part in making a favorable impression. They are visible signals of the state of our manners and therefore are essential to make the students aware of the etiquettes. To ensure that" TABLE MANNERS ACTIVITY" was conducted for the pre-primary students and they enjoyed the activity and learnt the skill too.

Saturday, 8 December 2012


DATE: 08/12/12
Human Rights Day is celebrated on the 10th of December every year. This day presents an opportunity, every year, to celebrate human rights, highlight a specific issue, and advocate for the full enjoyment of all human rights by everyone everywhere. This day spotlights the rights of all people — women, child labour, youth, minorities, persons with disabilities,— to make their voices heard in public life and be included in political decision-making.
                                               Thus, the day began with an awakening skit presented by Zorawar Singh house on human rights, it depicted how even in the 20th century we are still following the corrupt practice like child labour, and we should speak out for such offences and fight for the right of an individual. 

 The skit was an eye opener for all of us.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012


Date: - 5/12/12

                                The importance of NEWSPAPER has been increased greatly by the spread of education. Education sharpens one’s curiosity about events in distant lands and also makes one conscious of the necessity to maintain one’s reading habits. In both respects the newspaper appeals most, especially if one finds little time to read books.
                               As a result, the newspaper exerts a profound influence on the minds of
reader. The policy of the newspaper is to promote the welfare of the people; it could do a lot of good. Thus, to make the students aware of the importance and effect of newspaper we organized a newspaper competition.It was a house wise competition, the students were asked to prepare the newspaper on the spot. The competition was conducted successfully and the students enjoyed as well as gained information.


Date: - 3-12-12
                                   In today’s world when everything is becoming costly and beyond our reach, it s very essential to have good money management. Thus, for this we organized a financial quest in our school. The students of class vii, viii and ix attended the session conducted by Mr. Sunil vijayvergia, Mr. Vinod Maheshwari and Mr. Zakir Husain.
                                The session dealt with how we should work out with our income to have profit, it also made us aware how even saving electricity, water can add to our penny. The session also focused on how these single saved pennies can make you a good business man.
                                Thus, the students were able to understand where money is coming from, where it’s going to, and how to make sure that the way you manage your money falls in line with the values that matter most to you.
A PPT on life history of Bill Gates was showed and the students and teachers as well were inspired.

Monday, 3 December 2012

“Fight for Us, Write for Us” – A Campaign for forests and wildlife conservation!

“Fight for Us, Write for Us”
                          One step towards conserving our biodiversity is to ensure our
protection for our forest wealth and the wild life that live in it.Recognizing the paramount role played by forests and the importance of conserving wild life, and to raise awareness and promote sensitivity towards our environment, the Central Board of Secondary Education has issued circulars to the schools to create awareness for wildlife and forests among the children. 

                                 Strengthening this endeavour further, the school organised a “Fight for us, Write for us” campaign. The Highlights of the campaign was the students learnt that how much difficult for the animals to live in cages. The program ended with a pledge taken by all students to save the environment and wild life.