Saturday, 26 April 2014

Drama Competition!!

Date: 26/04/2014 (Saturday)

“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances’
                  As rightly said by Shakespeare ‘The stage is a magic circle where only the most real things happen, a neutral territory outside the jurisdiction of Fate where stars may be crossed with impunity’.

                                                                                                                                                          Thus to bring out the theater stars an inter class theater competition was held for classes VI – XI on 26/04/2014. The competition took place in the activity hall and zero periods, there were total six classes who competed with each other. All the classes got an opportunity to present their drama.

The students depicted various shades of theaters presenting the king stories from 18th century to condition of the women in 21st century. The portrayal of dramas likes ‘The Beauty and the Beast’. ‘The Discovery of America’, ‘The King and His Three Sons’ made the audience thoroughly enjoy. There was also an eye opening message given though the dramas on ‘the importance of education’ and ‘the role of a woman in a family’.

The participants as well as the spectators had great time in this inter class theater competition the use of various creative props that could be used to make their skit more appealing to the audience. At last it can be said that Art, makes no compromise. Art is the opposition testing the strength of societal and cultural values-values that can be thoughtlessly adopted by the mass of individuals living and undoubtedly the best way to make a difference in a student’s life.”

The Puppet Show!!

Date: 26/04/2014 (Saturday)

                   Puppet show was held in Pre-primary section of the school. A story from Punchtantra tales was enacted with the help of the puppets. Behind the puppet theater, teachers were managing the puppet. First of all teachers explained about the puppet dolls. Puppets dolls played the roles of different the characters of the story children thoroughly enjoyed the story.              
After the Puppet show a brief interactive session was organised and a few questions were from the children to check their understanding of the Puppet show. There was a quick & good response was given by the students.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

World Earth Day!!

Date:-22-4-14 (Tuesday)
                                        Each year, earth day April 22- marks the anniversary of what many consider the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.The fight for a clean environment continues in a climate of increasing urgency, as the ravages of climate change become more manifest every day .Until and unless we create a fresh wave of awareness in society about clean environment the scenario of modern time will not change. To make students aware about the challenges faced in context of clean environment and make them sensitive towards this ‘The World Earth Day’ was celebrated with a positive and constructive note. On this occasion the students of class X B presented some special programme.

Shudhanshu Jain delivered a speech on the history of WORLD EARTH DAY, that how it initiated and what gave rise to the need of such day and all the revolutionary actions taken. After the informative speech, Dheeraj Pareek presented a short poem describing the results of pollution on the environment if mankind did not give it importance. These programmes helped to create awareness about the miserable conditions of earth, its environment and hazardous future results of reckless action of human beings to pollute environment. The programme ended with a resolve in each heart to contribute their best possible to keep our earth clean and pollution free and let it breath freely.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Clay Modelling Activity!!

Date: - 19-4-14(Saturday)
                  Clay Modeling activity was held in Pre-Primary wing of the school where children brought clay from their homes. Initially all the teachers explained that how a piece of clay can be given any design, shape or model.

The Teachers arranged the children in a circle and made different models and fruits using clay. After that the students tried to do it by their own and made different geometrical shapes  as well as a few animal figures  like Lion, Den, Boy, Snake, Circle, Triangle, Square, Rectangle,Apple etc.Students were happy to see their own creation and they thoroughly enjoyed this activity.

World Heritage Day!!

Date: - 19-4-14(Saturday)

‘World Heritage is the shared wealth of humankind. Protecting and preserving this valuable asset demands the collective efforts of the international community’.
 Therefore, a special assembly was conducted by the students of class X-A wherein the students raised public awareness about the diversity of cultural heritage and the efforts that are to be taken to protect & conserve it.

The students also presented a short skit in which they depicted in today’s busy lifestyle people are with the advancement of technology; they have no time to appreciate our historical treasures. Even if they spare some time, some of us have the tendency to spoil their beautification.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

World Health Day!!

Date:-7-4-14 (Monday)
“Good health adds life to years.”
07/04/2014 is celebrated all over the world as world health day. This day marks a great importance as it signifies the importance of health that we are neglecting widely in our busy day to day life. To spread the importance of health among students a special assembly was organized by class xi b.
The students initially threw light on the initiation and formation of world health day done by WHO.

The students gave very beneficial health tips to cope with this acute summer and also for their general well being. At the end the students were asked to sit for the meditation where ‘breathe in’ and ‘breathe out’ exercise demonstrated and being performed by the students in the assembly. 

Readathon Activity

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more  you learn, the more places you'll go.” To spread this awareness among all the students ‘ Readathon’ was organized for classes I-XI wherein the students were asked to bring their favourite reading book. The students were given Zero & Activity period to complete reading of their book.
This was to enhance and incorporate reading habits among students. The students showed their deep inclination towards the task and some of them even narrated value based stories in their class. This one hour of reading was very beneficial  for the students.

Baisakhi Celebration in Pre-Primary Classes!!

Date: -12-4-14(Saturday)
Baisakhi Celebration was held in Saint Soldier Public School. Children from Pre-Primary wing celebrate the Festival. Children came in casual dresses. Teachers gave them information about the festival then asked the questions about it. Teachers explained them why people celebrate this festival. Children enjoyed the Punjabi dance on song – “Rang de basanti”. After that teachers distributed the sweets and wished them

Celebration of Baisakhi!!

On 12th April 2014 a special assembly was conducted by class XI B on the occasion of ‘Baisakhi’.The celebration initiated with a speech describing the history of Baisakhi given by the students of class XI B. Thereafter, a story on the origin of ‘Baisakhi’ was also narrated by the students. A short “Hindi Poem” on Baisakhi was also narrated by the students. The celebration ended on a melodious note where our music choir presented a group song praising the festivity of  Baisakhi.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Know about nature!!

Date:- 5-4-14 (Saturday)

Nature is our best friend, We should protect it- with this moto an activity to know more about nature was conducted. The activity was done in pre- Primary section. teachers took the students to the garden area and taught them about nature. E.g. Sun, Moon, Trees, Sky, Stars Grass and the colours related these things. After wards children enjoyed swings and slides , the activity was over with a group lunch.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Bulletin Board and Birthday Chart making Competition !!

Date: - 5-4-14
With the advent of new session ‘Bulletin Board Competition’ for classes VI-XI and ‘Birthday Chart Making’ for classes I-V took place in the school today. In Birthday chart making the students of I-V presented their Birth-Day chart in an eye-catching manner. Each class thoroughly enjoyed their new ambiance, which could be easily seen through creative birthday charts. Each class showed complete involvement and complete enthusiasm to make their class reach at the top. A Bulletin Board Competition was organized for classes VI-XI. 

The classes had chosen their own topics and beautifully depicted it on the board. All the classes very magnificently decorated the boards on various topics like ‘Education’,Success’, ‘Save Earth’ etc. The students enjoyed and came out with new aesthetic ideas. Thus, the first week of new session ended with our innocent yet bubbling minds making a step towards new achievements.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Water Pool Activity!!

4-4-14 (Friday)

           A day with water, fun inside pool activity was done in pre-primary children brought their swimming costume for the activity. Teachers prepared the mini pool for the little children. Teachers took them to the pool where

Children played with the water a lot, they enjoyed the pool activity very much after that teachers took them for school visit where they went to library, play ground and assembly area also.

Tiny Steps Towards Learning - New Academic Session of Pre Primary Begins.

Date:- 2-4-14 (Wednesday)

Welcome back of the students in the new session was done in Pre-primary section. Children were very excited on the first day of the school. Special assembly was prepared by the teachers. Tilak, ceremony was done in the beginning of the assembly.
A dance on ‘Bam-Bam Bole’ and a story ‘Fox and the Crane' were enacted by the Pre-Primary teachers. Welcome cards were given to the students at the end of the day with a hope that their first day enjoyment & learning will continue till the end of the session.


DATE: 04/04/14 (Friday)        

Today was the special assembly of class XI A in which the students showed their creativity and demonstrated some useful craft work out of waste. The students depicted various steps to make Bangle Stand out PVC roll and waste pens.
Next was to make Multipurpose Basket which was made out of unused plastic bottle. The other was the Pen Stand that was made out of waste bangles by pasting the bangles one over the other.
Last but not the least was a showpiece which was made out of was thermo plates and cut spoons. At the centre a CD or a mirror was pasted, surrounded by the cut out spoons which were painted with the desired colours. The students enjoyed it a lot . It was a very interesting session and students definitely learnt out of it.

Finger Print Activity!!

Date:- 3-4-14 (Thursday)

Finger print activity was done in Pre-Primary section. Teachers arranged the kids’ zone for the activity. Children sat in a circle for the activity, teachers had prepared the activity sheet in prior, students dipped their fingers in water colours and put their finger prints on the paper. They made different beautiful pictures by finger print.

New Academic Session 2014 begins!!

Date:- 2-4-14( Wednesday)

“Confine your energy to work that comes your way; never seek fresh fields of activity.”
After long refreshing holdings, students were back with full zeal and enthusiasm. To sustain their energy and positiveness assembly was prepared by teachers. The assembly started with the Morning Prayer. Thereafter a welcome speech on behalf of Principal Ma'am and Staff was given , welcoming students and guiding them for the new session. Thereafter, a skit named ‘ROTTEN TOMATOES’ was performed by teachers giving the message that one should not keep the rotten feelings or hatred for anyone for a long period.
The students enjoyed the skit. Then moving on a welcome song was presented by the choir of teachers. After that new teachers were called for their brief introduction. New students and Teachers were then welcomed in our traditional way by applying Tilak. Thus, at last students were warmly welcomed and motivated to do well in the coming years.