Monday, 27 April 2015

Bookmark Competition!!

A Bookmark competition was conducted in school for classes VI to X. The theme of bookmark was moral value. The students prepared bookmarks based on various moral values depicting various moral values on it.

The purpose of this activity was to arouse interest towards reading. The students displayed their creativity in making bookmarks and enjoyed the activity thoroughly.
Posted by: Brinda Mohini ( Class XI A)
                  Kanika Ojha    ( Class XI B )

Sunday, 26 April 2015



A hygiene programme for girls of VI to VIII  standard was organised in school on 25th April by Procter and Gamble, Where in the mothers of the girls were called. The programme was organized to educate girls about menstruation cycle and how to take care themselves during that time. The programme started with a video based on information about periods and problem related to that .Later an activity was organized  wherein girls and mothers were asked questions related to their personal choices of eating and serials .

In the end a video was shown to mothers how they should keep their daughter to understand the changes and grow freely in teenage .This was very informative programme which prepared them mentally.

Mask Making Competition I to V class

The masks of the world display virtually infinite from the simplest of crude “false faces” held by a handle by a handle to complete head coverings designed with ingenious movable parts.
Mask making activity was held in I to V class wing of the school. Initially all the teachers explained that how to design or shape it. Each class thoroughly enjoyed making it & showed complete involvement & complete enthusiasm to make their class reach at the top. Thus, this week ended with our little ones enjoyed making beautiful face masks.

Clay Modelling Activity

Clay Modeling activity was held in Pre-Primary wing of the school where children brought clay from their homes. Initially all the teachers explained that how a piece of clay can be given any design, shape or model.

The Teachers arranged the children in a circle and made different models and fruits using clay. After that the students tried to do it by their own and made different geometrical shapes  as well as a few animal figures  like Lion, Den, Boy, Snake, Circle, Triangle, Square, Rectangle,Apple etc. Students were happy to see their own creation and they thoroughly enjoyed this activity.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Hand Print Activity

Hand print activity was held in Pre-Primary wing of the school. Teachers of three classes Nur., K.G., Prep prepared thee charts earlier, there little children gave a final touch with their hands. They print the charts with their little hand with different beautiful colours.

Children thoroughly enjoyed the activity. Teachers also taught them of about the creativity.

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Declamation Competition.

Some people win because they are destined to whereas some people win because they determined to. An interhouse declamation was held in our school on 18.04.15 on the topic “Optimism is the key to success in life”. There were eight participants, two from each house. They were given 3-4 minute to express their views, with examples of Helen Keller and many others. The contest witnessed a neck to neck struggle between the participants of every house. Respected our Principal Ma’am announced the results. 

Students of Sahibzada Fateh Singh House were bagged I position - Mahima Shree (XI) and Shrieen Khan of (XII), Sahibzada Zorawar Singh was bagged with II position - Abhishek Gupta (XI) and Apoorva Saxena (XI).

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Slogan Competition in classes I- VIII

Slogan is the easiest way to communicate any message easily at a large scale and had played a vital role in expression of feelings and emotion on a social cause. A Slogan competition was held in school for classes I-VIII. The topic of slogan writing for I-VI and VI-VIII were “Save Trees” and “Child Labour” respectively. The students participated in the competition enthusiastically.

 This activity helped the students to feel to pain of children who are forced to indulge in child labour. The students got an insight of life of such children and become aware to stop such things. The students displayed stunning creativity and innovation in slogan writing on given topic. This was a useful learning experience for students which helped them to explore new dimension of their personality.

Friday, 10 April 2015

Bullying in schools!!

Have you ever been bullied or you have eye-witnessed bullying?

                                     In schools bullying is a serious problem. The activities of a bully sometimes affect the physical, mental health of the victim. So, to create awareness among sensitive students a brief session was held on bullying and its repercussions in schools for grade VI-X. To create interest and clarify the concept of bullying a short animation film was shown to children. Students were detailed about the characteristics of a bully for easy identification and consequences of being bullied.                                                                                                                                                                               They were also informed how to cope up with a situation when someone is being bullied. Victims should not feel insulted otherwise it would be hard to boost up confidence in them and fight back to such afflicted issues.

At last, a pop-up quiz was conducted among students and they were given certain situations and were asked to represent their views. So, an interactive and learning session was held in school campus to create awareness if such situation they ever face in near future.
                         Posted by:- Sukanya Chakraborty


Wednesday, 1 April 2015

First day back to school

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever.”

The difference between school and life? In school , you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life you're given a test that teaches you a lesson. 

The school reopened on 1st April 2015. The morning assembly was presented by teachers wherein teachers invoked blessings for the students with a prayer song. Thereafter as per our Indian tradition our Honourable Principal Ma’am welcomed the new teachers by applying tilak.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The new students were also welcomed by applying tilak and Principal Ma’am wished all the students and shared her new hopes and aspiration from this new session.