is not preparation for life, Education is life itself.”
past two months had been wonderful and entertaining when the students worked
for social empowerment through work and action, i.e. SEWA. Under the aegis of CBSE
this newly and effectively launched co-curriculum part is well designed and
decorated that students enjoyed real way learning in practical manner. While
the teachers were only mentors to guide.
students of class IX to XII students performed exercises like as:
Class IX A- ‘Emphasize
on Girls Education’ Aiming at girls education the peers of class a created
awareness through wordly wisdom of ‘Nukkad Nataka’ and slogans & Posters.
They shared data about education percentage of girls in centre and state schools.
‘One girl educated means the whole family is educated.’
Class IX B- To develop a beginner’s knowledge towards
hazards of heavy and rash driving over roads. The groups of students visited
all classes for awareness about red to stop and green to go other symbols and
signs of precaution were demonstration threw charts in reality like situations.
IX C- Advantages of healthy food aiming at ‘Health is Wealth’ the class
insisted on balanced diet. The students were in groups. Each group had its own
stake as telling upon nutrition values present in eatables, required calories,
digestion & balanced diet. To have a hit nation & fit nation (Hi-Fi)
they encouraged others to follow balanced diet.
X A- Doing away with pollution through visualization of polluted areas and
cause of it. The student ran awareness among others. Through PowerPoint
presentation. They discussed the pollutants at length. They gave pure.
X B- ‘Say no to Plastic’ bags’
class told upon the harms and hazards caused due to plastic bags. Each student
made paper bags which could easily be used in the place of plastic bags. They
visited lower class to aware young petals about it. They also showcased how to
make paper bags.
XI A Awareness to cleanliness
dream of nation’s father have a clean and heigenic nation was well cherished by
class students. They work for the campus cleaning and proper sanitation towards
drinking water taps. They also ran awareness for waste management.
XI B- Cyber crimes and cyber security to explore more about cyber crime and how
to say away of it was well portrayed by class XI B students. Powerpoint
Presentation and a well enacted ‘Nukkad Nataka’ left a better understanding on
every mind.
XI C- Heritage conversation in India To aware about rich heritage of India
class students discussed the vulnerability sage of Indian heritage. They
offered opinions about heritage safety by every single individual. Through a
Nukkad Nataka they presented their views to have a clear vision in every mind.
The role & strategy of every citizen was discussed.
XII A- The First Aid
fast pacing life and pains related to it were discussed when the students of
the class demonstrated the use of first-aid kit. All the students made
first-aid kits and then according to the groups they showcased first-aid for
burning strain-sprain, fracture, drowning healing wounds and they also
discussed the precautions to be taken care against viruses as Zika and Nipah.
XII B- Cleanliness for disease prevention with the objective of community
sanitation for better health condition the groups of class students prepared
PowerPoint presentations, and Charts. They held a deliberate discussion and
questionnaire on cleanliness drives and its implementation. The students who
gave solutions to the problems received bookmarks made