Saturday, 24 August 2013

Spellathon Competition VI to VIII !!!

DATE: 24-08-2013 (SATURDAY)
Language is an important part of expression and the mode of expression and diction can be ideal only if the spelling habits are good. Thus, a spell bee competition was organized for classes VI to X to enhance development of correct articulation and communication even under pressure.

The competition was divided into six rounds, there were in total eight teams. The first round was elimination round in which the students had to identify the word with correct spelling. In the next round only the best five teams were selected. Thereafter, the second round initiated which was ‘Word Formation’-and the participants had to make as many words as possible. Third round was ‘Jumbled Words’ in which the participants had to identify the right word. Next round was ‘Fill In the Space’ in which the participants had to fill the space with right alphabet to turn it out into the exact word.
Fifth round was ‘Spellathon Round’ in this round the students were shown eight alphabets and they had to make as many words as possible from the letters with the centre letter being compulsory.
Last round was rapid fire in which the students had to spell out the words speedily in the given time limit.
The competition was very interesting and conversant. The students learnt new words and it enriched their vocabulary. At the end principal ma’am guided us with her motivating words.
The winner was IX – A.