Sunday, 28 June 2015

Inter House Calligraphy and Paper-Bag Making Competition

Calligraphy is a visual art that makes use of linguistic signs to create an experience that compliments the literal embodied meaning. Thus, an Inter House calligraphy competition was held in our school on 26th June for classes VI –XI .This competition comprised of two students from each house. The students show cased their innovative art of hand writing and understood the importance of beautiful handwriting.

An Inter House Paper Bag competition was also held for classes I to V, Five students from each house were selected had to prepare  one handmade paper bag & then decorate it too.

Children made beautiful bags & also inculcated the values of team work and learnt to use paper bags over plastic bags and take initiative in the cleanliness of the environment.

Posted By :    Aditi Modi (IX B)
                      Siddharth Tiwari (IX B)