“An apple a day, keeps the doctor away”, yes! This is quite true as fruits play a very important role
in our lives.
Today, We celebrated “Fruit Activity” and "World health Day" in Pre Primary wing.
Many children came dressed up in different fruits like mango, banana and Apple
etc., and spoke about fruits which is an exciting way for children to learn
about these healthy foods. Children have got to know and explore different
kinds of fruits. Teacher taught about different
fruits and their nutritive values.
All the children enjoyed the whole activity.
World Health Day is a global health awareness day celebrated every year on
7th April, under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization (WHO). The day attempts to increase awareness about
the major health concerns.
day marks a great importance as it signifies the importance of health that we
are neglecting widely in our busy day to day life. To spread the importance of
health among students a special assembly was organized by class XII B. In
Speech, the students initially threw light on the initiation and formation of
world health day, The students gave few beneficial health tips to cope with
this acute summer and also for their general well being.