Monday, 2 April 2018

First Day Assembly-Welcome Back

                       “Smiling is infectious you can catch it like a flu”. 
                       So with this thought SSPS has started its first day assembly organized by teachers for the new session 2018-19. Teachers really did a wonderful hard work to welcome the students. A Shlok and prayer were presented by the group of Primary teachers. Then, teachers sung a lovely welcome song in their melodious voice to update their mind dictionary a new word was given to them. 
                                 Pre Primary wing teachers presented a moralskit "Lier Shepherd" and a lovely rhyme after that a colour the fingers activity was held by students. All students enjoyed this activity and also skit. Then there was a motivational thought and to make them aware about what is happening in the world national and international news also presented. 
                          Teachers are also there to guide students and make them understand about what is good or not for them with this theme a wonderful skit was presented by teachers. It is based on the topic ‘yamlok ki party’. The message given to them was to avoid junk food. Students really enjoyed the skit very much.                  
                             At the end our Respected Principal Ma’am Mrs. Aruna Suresh guided and motivated the students by her wonderful words. She told them how they can achieve their goal with hard work. She gave her blessings to all for the wonderful new academic session 2018-19.