Thursday, 21 June 2018

Fun with Yoga @SSPS!!!

               “If you stand strong on your feet… it’s unaralleled.”
                          The fine and refreshing opening of school on the International Yoga Day, 21st June, was well enjoyed by the staff of Saint Soldier Public School, being refreshed a lot with summer vacation teachers enjoyed the yoga session under the physical trainer and instructor Mr. Netaram dhakad of the school, various Asanas & Mudras were practiced by teachers. Surya Namaskar, Vajrasana, bhujangasana were performed during one hour session.
                                   All the teachers felt so relax and refreshing that they promised to hold fest to Yoga every day. Our Respected  Prinicipal Ma’am Mrs. Aruna Suresh too enjoyed the session. It made the day……Aha…..