Saturday, 9 March 2019


Today, on Saturday 9th March 2019, A ‘Talk Show-Shiksha Sarokaar’ was conducted by CREDENT TV  at Saint Soldier Public School, Pratap Nagar where the various issues of Education world such as-Ego, Suicide, Exam stress, Molestation,  Depression, Aggression, Frustration and Students misbehaviors, were discussed. The interactive talk show had both the stake-holder teachers as well as students.
 The alarming rate of suicide among students, Aggression, was taken to hands, and their causes as well as solutions were also suggested by students in a very nice way.
 Students understood the root causes of these problems & their solutions. They promised to bring a change in society by analyzing why these problems are happening and various suggestive measures like stop giving self-importance and give up ego problems, so that they may leave in a flourish environment and serve the society more efficiently and effectively.
                                             The School Secretary Sir Shri Gurmeet Singh Ji and the school Principal have shared their views on above mentioned problems and on the whole the session was an eye opener to all us.