Friday, 28 October 2011

Pre-Primary kids Presenting Ramayana!

As a part of Diwali celebration the pre-primary students prtesented "The Ramayana " which tells about life of "Rama" who, lived his whole life by the rules of dharma; in fact, that was why Indians consider him heroic.

The teachers narrated the story and then gave the students practice.The students were able to enact understanding the story and the situation.

The little ones with their colorful attire were a treat to watch. The children presented each and every aspect of epic with grace and confidence. The atmosphere was filled with festive fervor and divinity.

In retrospect students realized that the festival signifies not merely the celebration but lighting of the spark of the Divine Power in everyone of us, which spurs us on to play our dynamic parts in this world of practical and hard realities with a sense of high spiritual purpose.It was great to see the tiny tots of the school enacting the characters of Ramayana with full spirit.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

A part of Diwali Celebration!

                                The four houses of the school presented their skills of rangoli on the occasion of Diwali celebration.The students were very enthusiastically participated in the competition. It was so colourful with different rangolis and a spirit of joy was everywhere. Participant Students were walking up and down to have a look at the progress of the other contestants as the contestants were busy drawing swift lines and filling up with rangoli amidst the excited kids who were eager to give colouring ideas to their house teams.


Saturday, 22 October 2011

Foreigners Visit

A group of ten people from United States of America visited Saint Soldier Public School on 14th October 2011. Some of them were engineers, lawyers and teachers. Their purpose was to see how the Indian schools work. What is the Indian Education System? Our Principal Ma'am gave them information about school its education policies and programmes. They visited each & every class, talked to teachers and students. They were crossed questioned by the students also. Students gave them handmade cards. In all they enjoyed the visit and was an exposure to the students.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Teacher’s Day Celebration

Dr. Radhakrishnan’s  Birthday, throughout the country is celebrated as Teacher's Day on 5th September every year.
On 5/9/2011 was a day to relax and enjoyment for teachers as on this day our students from class VI-X organized a show for the teachers and followed by titles to every teacher. Through a skit the students presented a class and situations which are faced by every teacher.The students put up a great show. And every teacher would wait for this day to come again next year. 

Independence Day Celebration

15 August, throughout the country every year is celebrated with feeling of patriotism. In our school also this day was celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm by the SSPS family. The programme  started with the welcoming followed by the flag hoisting and National Anthem. After this students presented cultural programme expressing their feelings of patriotism towards our Motherland India. The programme ended with the prize distribution by the chief guest and followed by the vote of thanks by our own Principal Ma’am.

Voting For Student Council

After campaigning, voting procedure was conducted on 9/8/2011. The students from classes VI-X participated in this by giving their valuable votes to the deserving candidates. Students actively participated and became aware of the value of their votes and judgement.

Campaigning For Student Council

India is a democratic country and to make the students of our school aware of the voting system under democracy, the first step was to introduce the students council through campaigning.
Under this the deserving candidates under the able guidance of their teachers went to every class with strong motto to ask their friends to vote for them.

Patriotic Song Competition

Patriotism isn’t a short fury burst of emotions, but the long and steady dedications of a lifetime. To portray the same feeling of patriotism ‘Patriotic Song Competition’ was held in the activity hall of SSPS.
We could feel that everyone present there was eager to sink into the depth of music and songs dedicated to our soldiers & our own country India. It was conducted under the able stewardship of our music teacher.
The Patriotic songs sung by the students were quite captivating! Poetry of footsteps, A blend of cosmic tune and divine music. Students of class VI were the winners of the competition.

Van Mahotasav

On 15th of July 2011 “Van Mohotsav” was celebrated in Saint Soldier Public School,Pratap Nagar.It was accompanied by the inaugural function of "Eco Club”.
Sapling of plant was done by the Principal Ma’am who later addressed the students and made them aware about sensitive environmental problems. And even encouraged them through her inspiring words to grow more & more plants in and around their locality, school and home. Students enthusiastically under the guidance of their teachers participated in Van Mahotsav through plantation of saplings.
Students of class VIII brought maximum number of plants and won the title of “Green Class” for this academic year. 

Lemonade Party

Scortching heat of sun drains away all our energy, to revitalize it lemonade party was organized by the teachers and students of classes I-V.
Students were instructed a day before to get a lemon each for the party. The kids put on all the flavours and their sweetness into lemonade they prepared under the guidance of teachers. The combined efforts were quite tingling to tongues.

Monday, 17 October 2011

World Heritage Day

To make the students aware of their rich cultural heritage on World Heritage Day, a power point presentation was shown to the students of class IX. Busy with competitive world students these days are not able to connect themselves to the rich heritage of India. To revive these moments a quiz was even conducted after the presentation where they were asked about various basic questions on Rajasthan and its culture.  

Friday, 14 October 2011

Special Assembly by Teachers

New session started on 6/4/11.Special assembly was conducted by the teachers to welcome students to the school. Students enthusiastically came to school with new books, fresh notebooks,with a new zeal to face new challenges of the new academic session.