Thursday, 27 March 2014

Workshop on ‘Role of communication skills to improve teaching methodology’

Date:- 27-3-14
A workshop on ‘Role of communication skills to improve teaching methodology’ was conducted by Mr.Abhinav Dhaiya from UDAAN NGO. The workshop was to enrich teachers on the art of communication. The workshop also emphasized on the basics of good communication is to ‘Listen’, ‘Empathize’, ‘Ask’ and to ‘Solve Problem’. Making the session more interesting a questionnaire was prepared for teachers to find out how comfortable they are while communicating with others.

Mr.Dhaiya also told us the remedies and stressed on essential values (namely Building Rapport, self confidence, clarity of thoughts, understand others, build eye contact and more importantly to love your profession) that can help in developing better communication.

The session also focused on ‘How to deal with difficult people’ that we often meet in our day to day life. The session concluded by motivating teachers to think out of box and to extract potential out of the students and to create a friendly atmosphere in the class so that the students could open up with their teacher and learn  to love and respect their teachers.