Saturday, 28 November 2015

Inter School Sabad Singing Competition

                          “Eka Bani Ek Gur Eko Sabd Vichar”||

Only the word of the One Enlightener alone is the one hymn to be reflected upon." In Sikhism, a Sabad is a sacred song selected from Sikhism's scripture 
Guru Granth Sahib, everlasting Guru of the Sikhs. It is not the book, paper, ink, binding or cover which is considered as the Guru, rather it is the Sabad , the sacred songs of Gurbani, and the enlightening emanating brilliance which is present when the Sabad is seen, spoken, or sung, and its meaning reflected on, which is the actual Guru of the Sikhs.
Our school was privileged to conduct an Inter School Sabad Singing Competition. Four schools i.e. Saint Soldier Public School C-Scheme, Saint Soldier Academy Raja Park , Guru Nanak Dev Sr. Sec. School  Adarsh Nagar and our host school Saint Soldier Public School Pratap Nagar took part in this competition.  The competition was divided into four groups;
Group I for Pre -Primary
Group II for Class’s I-V.
Group iii for Class’s VI-VIII
Group IV for Class’s IX-XII

To grace the occasion we had our honourable judges Mrs. Inderjeet Kaur, Mrs. Gurjeet Kaurji esteemed members of Satsang Sabha, Mr. Shyam Prasad Choudhary (Director of Music School), Mrs. Ruchi Upadhaya (music teacher of ST. Anslem North City).Our regarded guest and secretary sir Sardar Gurmeet Singh ji.

The competition lasted for around two hours, each group came forward with their melodious performance. The unstuck words resounded in the immaculate hymn through the Enlightener's instruction was one absorbed in truth." After all the groups had their presentation our tiny tots i.e. Pre Primary of our school made every one captivated with their musical recital.
After this the most awaited moment i.e. prize distribution took place. The winners of each group were presented trophy by our regarded guests Mrs. Inderjeet Kaur ji &Mrs. Gurjeet Kaur ji.
The winners of each group were Saint Soldier Public School Pratap Nagar.
After this a small token of appreciation was given to our judges as memento distribution, our regarded Secretary Sir presented memento to the respected Judges. Thereafter a motivational speech was given by our guest   Mrs. Inderjeet Kaur ji. She enlightened the students with importance of these hymns and guided us that we should always take out some time for reciting prayers as it gives strength and curbs from all the evils of life. At last vote of thanks was given by Mrs. Suma Menon expressing gratitude on behalf of whole school to everyone present there.
Thus, the competition spread a spiritual ambience and taught us that "Gur Sabdi Man Bedhia Prabh Miliaa Aap Hadoor’ i.e. The Gurus hymns pierces the mind and the soul is ushered into the divine presence by God himself."

                                              Posted by Mahima Khandelwal (Class XII A)