Monday, 25 June 2018

Reopening Day@SSPS !!!

                                “You're off to great to great places. Today is your first day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!”
                              So here we are again full of energy, full of new ideas after a joyful vacation. Today on 25th June SSPSites joined after vacations. In this vacation they got a chance to learn so many new things. They make them completely energized by various activities, now they are ready graph knowledge given by their teachers.

                            Students were welcomed by a sweet assembly prepared and presented by teachers. First of all they were welcomed by staff and Principal ma’am. Teachers present a prayer song and motivational thought infront of them. After that a beautiful and melodious welcome song was presented all the new students and new teachers were welcomed by applying ‘tilak’ and ‘moli’ in traditional Indian way.
                            A Beautiful and motivational skit “Andher Nagari, Choupat Raja” was presented. Presentation of teachers was too good and lively, students enjoyed it a lot. The message they got was that we should respect and obey our teachers and elders.
                          In Pre-Primary wing presented a moral story enacted by the  teachers, “Always help others” this message was given by the short skit of “Motu-Patlu”.
                              At the end our Respected Principal ma’am Mrs. Aruna Suresh guided them by her motivational words and made them to understand the value of time, use their energy in positive way to shape their future. Last but not the least assembly was ended with national anthem.

Friday, 22 June 2018

Motivational Workshop @ SSPS !!!

        A Jerky Standstill…
Filling all with Thrill…
                                   What a day for teachers planned and progressive with sparky ignition of building capacity and motivation to keep the fire burning through rain and drain for young learners. 

                                        On Friday 22 June a very renowned and passionate motivational speaker Mrs. Karuna Yadav Principal KGP visited the campus to sensitize the teachers about their duties. Our respected Principal Ma’am Mrs. Aruna Suresh presented bouquet to welcome her. Ma’am Karuna Yadav insisted on every teacher’s capability to share and serve the society.

                                 She emphasized being morally high, mentally alert with multitasking skills, Physical fitness and social participation as the requisite and products of true education. The teachers felt ignited after the wonderful session.
                                 Towards the last Principal Mrs. Aruna Suresh presented vote of thanks to Ma’am Karuna Yadav, and said that the team will keep the points learnt as pearls of wisdom in their treasure memory and utilize it in their journey of education.

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Fun with Yoga @SSPS!!!

               “If you stand strong on your feet… it’s unaralleled.”
                          The fine and refreshing opening of school on the International Yoga Day, 21st June, was well enjoyed by the staff of Saint Soldier Public School, being refreshed a lot with summer vacation teachers enjoyed the yoga session under the physical trainer and instructor Mr. Netaram dhakad of the school, various Asanas & Mudras were practiced by teachers. Surya Namaskar, Vajrasana, bhujangasana were performed during one hour session.
                                   All the teachers felt so relax and refreshing that they promised to hold fest to Yoga every day. Our Respected  Prinicipal Ma’am Mrs. Aruna Suresh too enjoyed the session. It made the day……Aha…..