Monday, 13 May 2019

Mother's Day Celebrated !!!

                         To celebrate Mother’s Day-A Mother & Daughter programme was organized for girls of standard VI to VIII by Procter and Gamble, where in the mothers of the girls were called. The programme was organized to educate girls about menstruation cycle and how to take care of themselves during that time. 
                     The programme started with a video based on information about periods and problems related to that. Later an activity was organized in which girls gifted the greeting cards to their mothers made by them.
                                             In the end a video was shown to girls about the good and bad touch and grow freely in teenage. This was very informative programme which prepared them mentally. Last but not the least our respected Principal Ma’am appreciated the program. She also told children about the importance of mother and how each one of us should give respect to our mothers.
            We wish you all a ‘Happy Mother’s Day”.