Tuesday, 24 July 2012


                                                      ‘A leader is someone who helps others do and become more than they ever thought possible. It is not about telling people what to do, but inspiring them to see what they are capable of, then, helping them get there.’
 As leaders are pillars of every organization thus our school organized the INVESTITURE CEREMONY in order to honour the representatives of our school on 21 July 12.
The ceremony commenced with the lightening of the lamp by our esteemed secretary sir and principal ma’am. Thereafter the ceremony began with the elegant march past of our Head Boy- Master Shrey. J. Mistry, Head Girl – Simran Parvez, Sports Captain- Deepender Choudhary, Vice Sports Captain- Naveen Saini, Discipline Incharge- Saket, Exnora Head- Deeksha Natani.
The following appointees were honoured with badges and sashes by Secretary Sir and Principal Ma’am. Subsequently all the four houses along with their house Captains (Ajit Singh House:- Hari Singh),(Fateh Singh House:- Gaurav Chetiwal ), (Zoravar Singh House:- Himadri kumari) and (Jujhar Singh House:-Priyanka Choudhary) followed by prefects marched forward onto the stage.
They were privileged with their badges and sashes by their respective house mistress’ and other member of the house. After that all the school council members took the oath to work sincerely and honestly and to put their best foot forward. The head boy, head girl and all the four house captains expressed their gratitude by delivering speech.
The ceremony ended delightly with the speech of Secretary Sir and the ethical story about ‘Leadership’ narrated by Principal Ma’am.
Thus, Leaders are to set examples by forgetting what is past and pressing on.