Friday, 29 March 2019

Result and Felicitation @SSPS !!!

"Diligent, vigilant and Truthful, wins the race fruitful."
                                         Months of burning the candle in late night and rising before the sun have resulted in good for the students who worked hard for distinguished marks. The result of classes I to IX was announced on Friday, 29th March, 2019 where the hard work got appreciated. To promote and nurture young minds to the future needs the Saint Soldier Public School has identified and felicitated the toppers of classes on result Day.

                                          The students were admired and appreciated for their untiring efforts to achieve top grades. All the toppers were conferred on with trophies and appreciation certificates from the school principal. The principal praised and appreciated the toppers for their achievements and encouraged other students to work hard to achieve the high goals in next session through her motivating words. All to say is: - ‘The hard work receives its reward’