Monday, 1 April 2019

Welcome 2019-20@SSPS !!!

                 “Journey of thousand miles starts with first step”

                          On Monday, 1st April 2019, SSPS welcomed students for the new session 2019-20. First day assembly was presented by teachers. The Teachers presented prayer song, welcome song, news, new words. A beautiful skit on save water was presented by the teachers. 
                             The very first day of the session at SSPS began with a good message. Then all the new students were welcomed by applying tilak and it is the tradition of SSPS that every programme gets its end with an inspirational story by the School Principal Ma’am, so ma’am told a story and gave her good wishes to the students.

                                   The day was observed as a half working day for the students. Rules & regulation were informed to the students with the first day activity. Students enjoyed the first day and motivated to be regular to school.