Monday, 9 December 2013

Inter Class Skit Competition! I & II

‘The ode lives upon the ideal, the epic upon the grandiose, and the drama upon the real’.
Today an inter class skit competition was organized for class I and II. The students performed a refined form of enactment with a message.  Students of class I beautifully enacted how compassion of heart plays an important role in our lives and it is not the wealth that defines the richness of a person instead a person’s character that makes one rich. Class II was not far behind and they portrayed a heart touching message on ‘Important of Trees’ for our lives and how each one of us should take initiative to save trees.


                     It was on the whole a very thrilling performance; the tiny tots were successful in stealing the hearts of the audience. At the end our respected principal ma’am appreciated the children and teachers for their tremendous efforts and announced the winner.

Class II was declared the winner.