Friday, 10 July 2015

Inter Class Quiz Competition

“If you can’t be a pine on the top of a hill be a scrub in the valley- But the best little scrub. We all can’t be the captions we have got to be crew. But the best supporting crew if we can’t be the sun then be a star but the best shining star. So, Let us find ourselves & be ouerselves.”
To check the IQ level and to enhance the knowledge of the students, an Inter Class Quiz Competition was organized.
There were 4 Teams A, B, C and D having participants from each Class IX, X, XI respectively.
There were five rounds in total i.e.
I Round                 :              General Awareness
II Round               :               General English
III Round              :               General Science
IV Round             :               Indian History
V Round               :               Sports
Each team got 45 seconds to answer a question.
All the participants reformed with zeal in the competition.
The participants proud that principle work of a genius is not perfection but originality. It was a brain storming session for the participants. Even the evidence were thrilled and exited to answer the questions. 

After a neck to neck competition Team-B ((Pawan Khandelwal Class -X, Dakshika Prajapati Class- IX, kanika Ojha Clss XI -B) stood first in the competition. They have shown that principle work of a genius is not perfection but originality.
                                                                                                            Posted By:- Sukanya Chakrborty