Monday, 20 July 2015

Voting day

Democracy- It is a ruling system by people for the people and India is the example of biggest democracy in the world. To educate the student this trend of ruler ship  so every year some student are chosen as council members to regulate law and order and discipline in the school. This process trains them for future leadership in their life. In sync with the same motive election for Head boy and Head girl took place in the school on 17th July.
The candidates for Head boy and Head girl were as followed Mahima Khandelwal (XII A), Mahima Singh (XII B), Virendra Chaturvedi (XII A), Abhas Gupta (XII A) respectively. The students of classes VI to XII cast their vote to choose their choice of Head boy and Head girl. It was a learning experience for all the students who participating in vote casting.
                                                                                        Posted by: Aditi Modi (IX B)