Monday, 27 July 2015

"A Tribute to Missile Man of India"

 “Some People leave their foot print for forever in this world, which leads the way forward for many generations to come and linger for forever.”

A Condolence meeting was kept in Saint Soldier Public School on sudden demise of former President of India and renowned Scientist Mr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. The Principal Ma’am and whole staff remembers his priceless contribution towards country and paid homage to him by garlanding

Saturday, 25 July 2015


Investiture ceremony of The Saint soldier Public School was organized on 25th July in school premises. A day when the students who are selected for the school council are vested up with their powers and positions. Yes, it is as similar as the democracy in India. The students from different classes and houses are selected as the council members of the schools.The students of classes  VI to XII are given the voting rights to choose their own representatives. This ceremony is meant to develop leadership qualities among the students.
The programme commenced with lightening ceremony by honourable Secretary Sir followed by prayer of goddess Saraswati Later all the council members march pasted to salute the Secretary Sir. Then came the proud moment of conferring the badges and sashes of the Head council members of the school by Secretary Sir escorted by Principal Ma’am.

Newly elected council members are Head Boy-Virendra Chaturvedi, Head Girl-Mahima Khandelwal, Discipline Incharge – Prateek Tambi, Vice Discipline Incharge- Aman Sharma, Sports Captain- Piyush Nirala, Exnora Head- Kanika Ojha. After Handling over the responsibilities to the head council members house wise conferral took place. Each House in charge along with vice house in charges felicitated the badges and sashes to their respective house council members. 

Later honourable Principal Ma’am stepped on stage to make all council members pledge for their duties. Followed by introductory notes of Head boy and Head girl of the school wherein they expressed their vision for this year.

Towards the end honorable Secretary Sir enlightened all the newly elected council members, with his motivational words. The Programmed calimmated with vote of Thanks by Ms. Suma Ma’am.
                                                                                                Posted By : Pawan Khandelwal (X A)

Monday, 20 July 2015

Voting day

Democracy- It is a ruling system by people for the people and India is the example of biggest democracy in the world. To educate the student this trend of ruler ship  so every year some student are chosen as council members to regulate law and order and discipline in the school. This process trains them for future leadership in their life. In sync with the same motive election for Head boy and Head girl took place in the school on 17th July.
The candidates for Head boy and Head girl were as followed Mahima Khandelwal (XII A), Mahima Singh (XII B), Virendra Chaturvedi (XII A), Abhas Gupta (XII A) respectively. The students of classes VI to XII cast their vote to choose their choice of Head boy and Head girl. It was a learning experience for all the students who participating in vote casting.
                                                                                        Posted by: Aditi Modi (IX B)

Friday, 10 July 2015

Inter Class Quiz Competition

“If you can’t be a pine on the top of a hill be a scrub in the valley- But the best little scrub. We all can’t be the captions we have got to be crew. But the best supporting crew if we can’t be the sun then be a star but the best shining star. So, Let us find ourselves & be ouerselves.”
To check the IQ level and to enhance the knowledge of the students, an Inter Class Quiz Competition was organized.
There were 4 Teams A, B, C and D having participants from each Class IX, X, XI respectively.
There were five rounds in total i.e.
I Round                 :              General Awareness
II Round               :               General English
III Round              :               General Science
IV Round             :               Indian History
V Round               :               Sports
Each team got 45 seconds to answer a question.
All the participants reformed with zeal in the competition.
The participants proud that principle work of a genius is not perfection but originality. It was a brain storming session for the participants. Even the evidence were thrilled and exited to answer the questions. 

After a neck to neck competition Team-B ((Pawan Khandelwal Class -X, Dakshika Prajapati Class- IX, kanika Ojha Clss XI -B) stood first in the competition. They have shown that principle work of a genius is not perfection but originality.
                                                                                                            Posted By:- Sukanya Chakrborty

Monday, 6 July 2015

Closing Ceremony of Van Mahotsav

Today 7th July witnessed the closing ceremony of Van Mahotsav week which initiated from 1st July to 6th July.
The school celebrated Van Mahotsav with great aplomb and enthusiasm.
It was awareness for the conservation of forest and planting of new trees.
This entire week was full o f different activities like colouring competition for class I-III, Painting competition for class 4th and 5th, Street play for class 6th to 8th and Short play for class 9th to 10th that made students feel conserved for the devastating  environment  and all the students took a step forward towards of forestation.
Students of class I –III actively participated in colouring competition and portrayed that how trees have longed served humanity in one form or the other. Students of Class IV and V painted the beauty of nature and with an urge to save environment.
Street play are very effective for creating awareness about environment issues for this a street play competition was organized for classes 6th to 8th for spreading awareness about our mother earth.

Students of classes 9th and 10th participation in short play competition with great zeal to emphasize on maximum plantation for healthy environment.

All these competition extremely effective to enable students to join their hands for saving environment and end on a note that Environment Resolution begins with greening Motherland.

Posted By :- Lotus Kathuria(XII A)
                     Shireen Khan (XII B)